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Rev. Wendy Tarry
Reverend Wendy Tarry (better known as "Pastor Wendy") is ordained in the Congregationalist tradition.  She holds bachelors degrees in English and Education from the University of Ottawa and a Masters in Divinity from the Queens School of Religion.  She completed her field education at Union Congregational Church in Harlem.  Born and raised in Ottawa, Canada, Wendy has made the Shoreline her home for over a decade, enjoying life here with her husband, their two daughters and one very large dog.  She feels blessed to be serving the North Branford Congregational Church where she has held membership for many years and greatly appreciates the congregation's support on her journey to ordained ministry.  Wendy hopes that her co-ministry with the congregation will help people to know Jesus Christ better as Savior and Lord and to follow His way in their daily living, making a difference in the world around them.  


About NBCC

North Branford Congregational Church is a welcoming Christian community located at 1680 Foxon Road, North Branford. Sunday service is at 10:00 a.m. We are affiliated with the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches. 


Phone: (203) 488-8456


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